Sascom Systems

Total Personal Defense Taught in Five Hours


“When I first learned about the Sascom self-defense class, I was anxious for my teenaged daughters to take it. After the first two completed the course, I was very impressed and realized we all needed it. I then took the class with my third teenaged daughter.

What Sascom means to me is peace of mind! Not only do we have the skills to defend ourselves in threatening situations, we also have the ability to perceive and prepare for the unexpected. The class even covers threats from the Internet, when traveling, and while using social media! Eye openers for all of us! Especially the kids - they really heard it since the message was not just coming from mom and dad.

As a mother, the fact that my daughters and I have the knowledge and skills to protect and defend ourselves is PRICELESS.

We love Scott, the instructor; he is very thorough and gives ample opportunity for each person to master the concepts and moves. When I shared with my husband, he said he and our son will be taking the Sascom class next!”
- Liz A.

Self-defense class

“I want to share this with everyone I know. All women and children need this course!”
- Bonnie C.

“I would recommend this training to anyone.”
- Gary M.

"Can't say enough good things about the class and what we learned or about Scott and Sandra and what they do at Studio 14 LLC. Their knowledge base is amazing; their hearts are even more so. Whatever your needs are, be it for yourself or a loved one, they can assist you to become prepared for any safety situation that arises and give you the peace of mind to know you're prepared to deal with life's threatening situations before the bad guy sees you or your loved one coming. Regardless of most age or physical abilities, you can have the confidence of being not only prepared but aware of those around you and know not IF but when you need to be ready to defend yourself.

Thanks, Scott and Sandra Redfield, for your hearts of service to others. We are blessed to call you friends."
- Johnette B.

Self-defense class

"Every woman/child should take this class!"
- Melinda S.

"I am more comfortable now knowing that my daughters and I can protect ourselves, especially my daughter going out of state to college."
- Cynthia L.

"Thanks for 'empowering' my hands. Well done, Scott!"
- Jennifer C.

"I thought this (class) was great! Lots of info that opened my eyes to things I wasn't aware of. I feel more confident."
- Lisa H.

"Amazing presentation of a vitally important subject. Great combination of verbal and hands-on activities."
- Eric C.

“A real eye opener – best five hours I’ve spent in quite a while. Pray I never have to use what I learned but certainly feel more empowered with the knowledge!”
- Sharon S.

Self-defense class

"I would like to thank you for the class. My two daughters took your class, and recently one of them was attacked. She felt the presence of someone behind her, and she fought extremely hard to get away from this rapist. She was extremely beaten up but was not raped and was able to get away. I thought you might appreciate knowing that your class was tremendously helpful and saved her from a terrible situation."
- Jane D.

"Every woman should take this class!"
- Lorraine B.

“The class is an investment in time and money for which I feel I received an extraordinary return. The training is intense, informative, and enlightening. As a result of taking the class, I have made adjustments to both my attitude and behavior that will help to keep me out of harm’s way.

Give yourself the gift of this training … and take a friend!”
- Chris M.

“Great class! Love, love, love learning about zones and conditions. I sincerely needed this class!”
- Michelle O.

Self-defense class

"I liked the relaxed atmosphere for the training."
- Colleen F.

“The class not only met – it exceeded my expectations. This training could benefit anyone and provides specific, powerful, and informative methods to increase awareness and feel empowered. I’m excited about my new knowledge. Well worth the investment of time and money.”
- Katie N.

“Thank you so much for opening my eyes to my surroundings. The techniques are easy to remember and so effective.”
- C.E.

“I like the book that will allow review. Thank you for an excellent experience. I learned a lot about myself also.”
- Dorothy R.

“Scott, you are an inspiration. I thank you so much for taking your experience and using it to empower and help others. God bless you.”
- R.B.

"I like feeling more equipped for daily life."
- Barbara G.

"This information is so valuable. Every woman should go through this class."
- Terri G.

"Leaving with confidence. Very professional presentataion."
- John W.

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